Candle making!

Candle making! In preparation for Imbolc next week, we made candles today. Time to take stock of what we have and assess our needs for the coming year. I love that all day there is warmth and humidity and my house filled with my loved ones.

Candle making is a whole day event. Set up, making, and tear down take about 12 hours. For me it is a labor of love. I take old wax from those whole community and turn it into new candles to use in the future. It is a very tangible way of spreading the light through the darkness and a reminder to me that moving forward means building on what has come before.

Another thing that is very traditional as an activity for Imbolc prep is cleaning of tools. Lapis pulled out our coven sword and gave it some much needed attention. Reorganize the tool cabinet and generally sprucing things up is a great way to start off right.

Imbolc is the cracking of the ice of winter. Our days are perceptibly longer and spring will come soon. Sometimes not soon enough. These are the things we do to prepare ourselves for the coming year.