Hell in a Handbasket

Life went to hell in a handbasket this summer.  You can probably tell by the immense lack of activity on the blog.  Blue Star lost one of its own to cancer.  He was our lore keeper and loved by so many of us.  It's a loss that we will feel for many years to come. 

Additionally there were other frightening diagnoses to deal with and other deaths to deal with and then trying to pick up the pieces and become functional again and then suddenly school started...

It's been a rough ride.

However, we are happy to have found our footing again and planning again and doing again.  We finished out our Wicca 101 class and have decided to do public Blue Star New Moon rituals at local metaphysical shops.  The first two (December and January) are gong to be at the Eye of Horus. 

Blue Star as a Tradition is also moving and grooving.  We have two different new groups moving ahead with some very interesting projects.  I'm excited to be part of both.  I believe that both will help me grow as a person and as a priestess.  I'm certain that they will help the Tradition grow as well.  I think one of the great gifts that has come out of the death of our loved one is that we have really come together.   Like any large family, we have our squabbles but I think those squabbles are going to develop into some good and solid growth for us.  

Looking forward to what the future holds.

All the best, 
